Let’s Git Installed: Installing Git to a Windows PC

Brian Branch
2 min readMar 24, 2021


Does anyone remember saving your projects as a different name? For example, “SuperDuperGame Version 1” then “SuperDuperGame Version 2” and so on. Then when you got far enough and wanted to change something you forgot which version you added a particular feature with.

Well, I have the answer to that problem, Git version control. in the next few articles, I am going to guide you through installing Git, linking it to a project in Unity, and connecting it to a remote repository on GitHub. So, follow along with me while we get everything set up and ready with Git and GitHub.

The first thing we can do is download and install Git. Go to git-scm.com. There should be a picture of a monitor and it should show your OS and version with a download button. Go ahead and click that button to download the Git installer.

Once your download has completed you can open the file to begin installing. Just click through leaving the defaults in all but one place. When you reach the page where it asks if you want to override the default branch name select that and set the name from to “main” without the quotes.

The reason we do this is to prevent conflict with GitHub since they have changed their default to “main”. On the last page, you can skip reading the readme file and select to launch Git Bash. Once the program launches you should see the following screen.

Congratulations, you now have Git installed on your PC. In the next article, we will go over navigating the Git Bash console, create a new Unity project, and connect the project to Git.



Brian Branch
Brian Branch

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