The Great Fleece: Point & Click Movement, Part 1

Brian Branch
2 min readAug 6, 2021

Now that all of the cutscenes are done it’s time to start working on the gameplay. The first thing will be to set up movement for the player. I’ll be using a point-and-click movement system to do this.

To start setting up a point and click system the first thing is to create a Navmesh to define where the player is able to move.

This is done by going to Window > AI > Navigation.

This will create a Navigation Tab next to the inspector like below.

On this screen, the default settings are left and the Navmesh is created by clicking on Bake. This will go through the scene and color areas in blue where the Player can go.

Setting up the Character Controller is the next step. This is prototyped by creating a stand-in for the character using a 3D Capsule primitive and placing it where the Player (Darren) should start from which is shown below.

Also, a NavMesh agent needs to be attached to the Player GameObject.

Next is to create a script named Player and attach it to the Player object.

This script will be used to define the movement behavior of the Player and any other Player behaviors that may be needed.

The next article will cover the actual writing of the script for the Player’s movement. I hope you found this interesting and until next time I wish you well on your coding journey.

